Stories Behind The Data

Oftentimes we overlook the ‘truth’ behind the stories. We are in delusional state and found ourselves in paradoxical situation, and these artworks draw upon the above-mentioned situation, in such White represents the ocean of data and information. Connecting lines represent the formations and interrelationships between insights. Colours in the circle of square shapes represent the stories that are crafted or curated which would be acceptable to a majority. The colours beneath the white are the untold stories of many; their suffering, their happiness, their thoughts and actions, their way of lives – the truth.

Every facet of our lives, we constantly receive various data from all around us, our brains translate these data into patterns of information and make sense of the world, what we call stories.  Oftentimes, we take it as, green represents “all are fine” and when we spot red instantly we know something is not what […]
